Welcome to today's learning - Today we are celebrating the feast of the Epiphany. It was celebrated in church on Sunday 3rd January, but today is the date we associate with the Epiphany and the 12th day of Christmas.
I hope you are wearing your crowns today? Please send a picture of your creations. I look forward to seeing them.
If you would like to create a special party plate of food - (I had planned for you to have some special biscuits for our morning snack) - you could send me a picture or a drawing of your crown and party platter .
Today's tasks: 1. Writing what we remember from the story of the Epiphany
2. Writing a wish for the new year -
3. Maths daily challenge
4. Reading
Area of learning - Communication Language and Literacy / Writing
Challenge 1: Recalling a story. 'The Epiphany story'
Today we are going to focus on our retelling skills.
We will listen to the story of the Wise men arriving in Bethlehem. The link below will help you to do this at home.
Can you then draw a picture and write a key thing that you remember from the story. I have attached a PDF word mat which has some of the key words on from the story.
Area of learning - Communication Language and Literacy / Writing / Religion
Challenge 2: Using your phonics skills to create a sentence. 'My Wish for 2021'
We are going to write our hopes for 2021. Have a think about how your world could be better - It may be an environmental wish, a personal wish - to go to see a member of your family, to go on a holiday or place that you love. Think about – who we may be wishing to see, places to go, different experiences.
Area of Learning - Maths - Number
Challenge 3: To use your addition skills to make 5
Challenge 4: read a book with a grown up today - can you spot any of the sounds in the book ? can you blend some of the sounds together to make words or parts of words. Well done you are doing really well! Keep going.
I look forward to seeing pictures of your great learning from today. I wonder what you will wish for?