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Online Payments

We use an online payment system, sQuid, that can be used to make all school payments such as school trips, breakfast club etc.

sQuid is really simple.  All you need to do to get started with sQuid is to create a sQuid account.  You will be sent, by the school office, a registration email, when your child is on roll at the school, with your own unique 16 digit sQuid registration number and 3 digit CVV security code.

1. Go to the sQuid web page

2. Select the 'Click here to create a sQuid account' link

3. Enter your details, create a password, choose a security question and answer

4. Click the 'register' button to complete your registration

5. Confirm your registration by clicking the link in your activation email

6. Complete the required additional personal details

7. Add your sQuid registration number, CVV security code and your child's name

Go to to log in to your sQuid account to check your balance, top up or update your personal details and preferences.

The sQuid App is free to download on iOS and Android devices and provides a quicker, more convenient way to access, manage and top up your online sQuid account.  To download the app, please search for the 'sQuidcard' in the relevant app store.

Benefits to parents

  • Online payments with the ability to store payment card details for faster payments
  • Easy to use, 24/7 online customer portal
  • View transition history online
  • Account updates and payment confirmation via email
  • Dedicated customer service team
  • No more writing cheques or sending cash to school

Financial Contributions

There are occasions when the school asks parents/carers to make a financial contribution.  This may include:

  • School trips – usually 2 or 3 per year (between £5 – £20 per trip)
  • Swimming lessons – year 4 only (approximately £4.50 per session)
  • Breakfast Club (£3.50 per session) and After school Club 
  • Y6 residential trip in the spring term – approximately £200
  • Visits from companies to complement curriculum topics – up to £10 per visit
  • School Photos: between £9 – £25
  • PTA events eg film nights (approximately £3.50 per ticket)
  • Ad hoc events, for example, non-uniform/dress-up days for charity (usually £1 each time), cooking and other curriculum projects
  • Clubs and other tuition eg Cricket, Art, French, Music lessons - various costs
  • Governors Fund donation (optional)

Please do get in touch if you wish to discuss any of the above in confidence (also refer to our charging policy).