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Communication & Admin

The school office is open from 8.00am - 4.00pm and is busy, particularly at drop-off and pick-up times.  Staff are always ready to help and we would ask that you do the following to help them and you.

  • Read the weekly newsletter and any other emails/letters that are sent out
  • Reply to letters and emails promptly by completing consents and purchases via sQuid
  • Inform the school by 9.10am if your child is absent 
  • Inform the school by 2.30pm if you are changing arrangements for the collection of your child that day
  • Check the school website ( for calendar dates
  • Make sure you know the days your child(ren) has PE and make sure they have their correct kit with them
  • Ensure your child(ren) has their packed lunch with them if they are not having a hot school meal


The newsletter is sent out on a weekly basis, on a Friday.  It is emailed to parents.  A copy can be found on the school website (Parents section - newsletters).


Term dates, Inservice days, school trips and all other dates are included on the school calendar.  Please see the school website (Parents section - calendar).  Please check this regularly.  

Email Messages

Messages can be sent to the school office via email -  This is an effective way of getting messages through quickly.  The email is monitored out of hours as well as during the school day.  

Emergency Contacts

Please ensure that the school always has at least two emergency contact names and numbers and that they are up to date.  This is particularly important if you, or other emergency contacts, change phone numbers.

Seeing Staff Before or After School

Once your child has settled in to school, parents should not come into classrooms at the start or end of the school day.  If you need to speak to a member of teaching staff, please send a message via the school office (

Home Time

If someone other than the usual person is collecting your child after school, please either phone or email the school office with the name of the person so this message can be passed on to the child's teacher.  Your child will not be allowed to go home with anyone else unless we have permission for them to do so.

If you are delayed collecting your child from school, please ring the school office (01273 454066) so that we can explain to the child why you are late, to stop them worrying.  Your child will then wait in the medical room until you arrive.


Dogs are not permitted on the school grounds, including the alleyway from Eastern Avenue, or to be tied up at the railings in Sullington Way.  Please also ensure that your dog is on a lead when with you outside the school so that children can come to and leave school without feeling scared, as some children are not confident being around dogs.