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Welcome to the Summer Term

Hello Reception

Welcome to the Reception learning page for the Summer Term

In the first half term or topic is, 'Growing'. 

I am so excited as we await the arrival of some Caterpillars. 

They should be moving into the classroom in our first week.

Keep checking out on here for updates once they have arrived. 

I have been enjoying watching lots of things growing over the Easter Holidays. 

Here are some photographs of the seeds that we planted in the Spring term - they are growing! There is a lovely smell of cress seeds in the air and the shoots are coming up for our flower garden. It should be a very colourful summer ready for all of those insect to come and visit. 




I can't wait to see more of our lovely garden grow over the term - I hope we all get green fingers and learn to love our garden!


Check out the tabs on the left for our learning updates. 

If you are isolating then you can access the learning here too. 

I hope the Summer term helps us all to grow!

Happy Learning

Mrs H x