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Important Information

No backpacks please! For health and safety reasons children should not be bringing in backpacks. Book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles only. Thank you for your cooperation with this. Collecting things from their backpacks from the cloakroom throughout the day also wastes a lot of precious learning time!

Reading - In Year 2 children are expected to read for 15 minutes each day. Please log this in the reading record.
Fridays - We do a spelling quiz every Friday. New spellings will also go home on Fridays (these need to be learnt at home for homework).
PE days - Children need to come into school wearing PE kit on Mondays and Fridays. Please insure long hair is tied up and earrings out or are taped up. 


How can I help my child at home?

- Please ensure your child has breakfast everyday
- Make sure belongings are permanently named e.g. names not written in biro
- Practise independently cutting up their own food with a knife and fork OR being able to open the items in their packed lunch independently
- Practise zipping and un-zipping their own coat
- Practise counting up in 2s from 0 to 24, counting up in 5s from 0 to 60,  counting up in 3s from 0 to 36 and counting up in 10s from 0 to 120
- Practise their x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
- Practise spelling some of these high frequency words. These words are very common, so knowing how to spell them with ease really helps to free up brain power to focus on other aspects of writing!
- Complete the homework set

Homework in Year 2 consists of:

- Daily reading for 15 minutes. Record this in reading records. Books read should include stage/colour books and Read Write Inc Phonics book bag books (if your child has been given one).

- Practising spellings for 5 minutes daily. New spellings are given out on a Friday and the children will be tested on these the following Friday. 

The current spellings are: 

Group A and Group B


All children should be able to spell the First 100 High Frequency Words.

First 100 high frequency word list precursive

- Homework books will be sent home weekly.  They are handed out on Friday and must be returned to school on or before Wednesday, for marking on a Friday.

- Choosing one activity from the Topic Homework planner each half-term.


- Practise counting up in 2s from 0 to 24, counting up in 5s from 0 to 60, counting up in 10s from 0 to 120 and counting up in 3s from 0 to 36. 

- Play on Numbots for at least 20 minutes a week

- See the 'Learning Videos' page for songs that we use to help us with our counting at school.