Homework in Year 2 consists of:
- Daily reading for 15 minutes. Record this in reading records. Books read should include stage/colour books and Read Write Inc Phonics book bag books (if your child has been given one).
- Practising spellings for 5 minutes daily. New spellings are given out on a Friday and the children will be tested on these the following Friday.
The current spellings are:
Group A and Group B
- Homework books will be sent home weekly. They are handed out on Friday and must be returned to school on or before Wednesday, for marking on a Friday.
- Choosing one activity from the Topic Homework planner each half-term.
- Practise counting up in 2s from 0 to 24, counting up in 5s from 0 to 60, counting up in 10s from 0 to 120 and counting up in 3s from 0 to 36.
- Play on Numbots for at least 20 minutes a week
- See the 'Learning Videos' page for songs that we use to help us with our counting at school.