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P.E and Sport Premium

The PE and Sport Premium is funding for schools from the government, which is to be spent on improving the provision of PE and sport. 

Schools must spend the money on PE and sport, but are allowed some freedom to decide how best to use this funding. Possible uses include:

  • Hiring specialist coaches to work with primary teachers to deliver PE.
  • Paying for the professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport. 
  • Running sports competitions and increasing general participation in competitive sport. 
  • Encouraging active play during break times and lunch times. 

At St Peter's Catholic Primary School, we are committed to ensuring the delivery of high quality physical education lessons, as well as providing children with extra- curricular opportunities to remain physically active. We aim to inspire children to participate and enjoy physical activity throughout their school lives and beyond.

Furthermore, we are committed to ensuring that the PE and Sport Premium funding is used to benefit all pupils, regardless of their physical or sporting ability.

For information on how we have spent the PE and Sports Premium Grant this year and the impact that it has had, please see the document below.