05th Tuesday January
Hello Reception
Welcome to your first ever day of online learning. It is a very exciting adventure for us all.
Today is all about getting back into the frame of mind of being back at school / Back into learning.
Challenge - I can write / mark make an event from my Christmas Holidays.
Our first task of the day is to share our holiday news. Think of a favourite thing you have done, received, eaten. Or a memorable conversation you may have had with someone on Zoom!
Did you play a good family game together?
Can you retell the event - Who was there? What happened? How did you feel?
Can you then put it into a picture /some words? Can you write a sentence about your experience?
Here are some examples for you about my Christmas:
I cooked Christmas dinner for the first time in 12 years! It was delicious.
I loved sitting by the fire watching films with my family. We loved watching Soul.
I attended my first every Christmas Mass on Youtube. It felt very strange, but it was beautiful.
I got very excited on Monday when the dustbin lorry came to collect the excess rubbish!
I have attached some writing frames below for drawing or writing. They are only there if you would like to use them. Don't forget to send me a picture of your work once it is finished.
Our new topic of Alive in 5 starts today. We are looking at Zero adn numbers to 5 this week. Today we start with the concept of Zero. Miss Cooper from White Rose resources has a daily session and resources for you - I will add each one daily.
Here is today's.
Below is the PDF to go with the session.
PE: We are looking at moving to music and we start this week - travelling like animals - so I thought the Cosmic kids link may be a good exchange for you to try at home.
Below is the link for Cosmic Kids - Go On A Safari Adventure! 🦁 Yoga Club (Week 21)
Go through all of the phonics sounds that we have learnt so far. this should be run through daily . the link below will take you to the Oxford Owl site - it goes through all of the sounds - you can choose the speed or you can do it manually on the display.
Don't forget to share at least one book with a grown up today - can you talk about what is happening in the story? Can you share your ideas about what is happening and what could happen next?
Have a lovely day - I look forward to hearing your holiday news.
Mrs H x