5th February - Friday
Good Morning Reception
I hope you are well? Welcome to Friday - Happy Friday, the end of another week. I look forward to hearing how your Animal hospitals / rescue centres are going. I hope you are nearly ready to open the doors to your patients. I know they will be loved and cared for by you.
Here is your learning for today. I look forward to seeing you all later on zoom.
Have an amazing day.
Mrs H x
Before school - Physical development
Daily activity – make sure you are active every day.
CBeebies also offer daily sessions Cosmic Kids / Joe wicks – or you may have a family favourite.
Session 1: Handwriting
We are going to go through the alphabet – to master a letter a day. Today’s letter is….
Friday - tttttt
Session 2 - Phonics - Zoom session
We have worked through all of the set 2 sounds we are now working at finding them all in books. I am going to go through the sounds with the children on line today and play some games with them for word building.
You will need your whiteboard and pen today.
I have added a PDF for 'ir' words below as a game to play later. (ir is one of the trickest ones to remember so it is helpful to have as much exposure as possibe)
Here is another Oxford Owl Ebook
https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/30665.html - sound blending book 10
Share a story / listen to a story
Zog and the Flying Doctors
Session 3 - Zoom session
Maths – Growing 6, 7 and 8
Adding more
Here is Miss Cooper’s session from White Rose
From the online lesson or from the powerpoint below these questions will support your child.
-Quick game – have a look at the ten frame how many counters can you see?
Today the crab and the turtle are playing a number track game. Can you have a go.
How many dots on the 2 dice?
Crab can move along the track that many spaces. the animals are taking turns
Have a go at making your own number track.
PDF below for a number track and a dice net if you want to make some at home.
You could have a go at playing this with 2 of your toys or with someone else in your family.
Session 4
Communication Language and Literacy and Knowledge and Understanding
Day 3 of the Animal Hospital –
Today is opening day – the animals have started to arrive. It us a busy day for the patients.
You need to check your patients in - can you take their name and their details – what type of animal are they?
What is their reason for coming?
Do they need to stay the night.
Have you done everything to make sure they are OK?
Are they staying for dinner? Do they need to look at the dinner menu to make a selection for their evening meal?
Make sure you have:
Set up a Pet hospital with your toys – who is getting booked in each day?
Who is injured?
Create pet injury booking forms.
Have fun in the animal Hospital – I hope it is not too much of a busy day and that you are able to help all of your patients?
Session 5 - Something extra (if you wanted to...)
– if you wanted to create ‘Get Well Soon ‘ cards for the animals. What would you draw to cheer them up and make them feel better – what would you say?
Here are some ideas…
I am thinking of you.
Get well soon.
Hope you feel better soon.
Here is a rainbow to cheer you up.