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EYFS and Year One
As explained in the phonics overview, EYFS and Year One follow the Read Write Inc. (RWI) scheme. Teaching phonics enables all children to be successful in their journey of becoming a reader. All children can enjoy different texts while witnessing their own successes as they progress through the programme.
Children in EYFS will start the RWI programme in the Autumn term and this continues until the end of Year 1. Some children will continue to RWI programme into Year 2. The RWI programme is delivered in small groups and through whole class teaching.
Children in EYFS and Year One will take home a selection of books over the week. These include:
- A RWI book which is homogenous to your child's phonics knowledge.
- A Read Write Inc ‘Book Bag Book’ – this will have the same focus sound and red words as the weekly group text.
- A story/non-fiction book from the book corner or library. This can be shared and enjoyed with a family member. Through this, skills such as fluency and expression can be modelled and developed alongside the realisation of joy that reading for pleasure can bring.
Please click here for more information about how to support your child at home with Read Write Inc.
Regular reading, poem and song sessions occur throughout the day. This not only support children in building up vocabulary and for reading to be modelled, but to help foster a love and engagement in reading.