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Wraparound Care

Sunrise Breakfast Club

Our Sunrise Breakfast Club aims to provide excellent childcare and breakfast for children who are in Reception to Year 6, in line with the ethos of the school and on the school premises.

The club runs from 7.45am until 8.45am Monday to Friday and is £4.00 per child per session.  Children will go straight from the Breakfast Club to their classrooms at 8.45am.  The club is open term time only and will be closed on Inservice days.

A minimum of two staff will be responsible for the club each day - these staff are employed by the school and have DBS checks etc.  A first aider will be on the school premises throughout the duration of the Breakfast Club.

All children will be offered a breakfast which includes a number of healthy options such as cereal and toast. Breakfast time will be a sociable time with small groups of children sitting together around a table.

A number of short activities will be on offer before school.

Booking for breakfast club is done via the clubs section on the School Gateway app.  We accept payment by childcare vouchers but please contact Mrs Matthews in the school office if you wish to pay using this method prior to making your booking.


For further information on our Sunrise Breakfast Club see the information below -

Sunrise Breakfast Club Information for Parents

Sunrise Breakfast Club Behaviour Policy & Procedures

Sunrise Breakfast Club Rules


Best of Buddies After School Club

Best of Buddies provides an after school club offering a variety of child-led activities for Reception – Year 6. Best of Buddies is owned and run by sisters Jenny Awedan and Amanda Harman. They are both Teaching Assistants with a combined 26 years of childcare experience. They pride themselves on being hard working, reliable, fun loving and friendly people. The club offers innovative and adaptable sessions, ensuring that every day is exciting and different for your child.

Whether your child is creative, sporty, playful or social Best of Buddies has something to keep everyone happy!  In our lively, affordable after school club there are plenty of play and relaxation opportunities. We take care of each child’s individual needs within the safe and secure environment of the school.

We are based in the Breakfast Room and have full use of the hall, ICT suite and all of the wonderful outside space.

Buddies Staff are a committed and enthusiastic team chosen for their friendly, professional and playful outlook. All staff members undertake a DBS check and there is always a first aider available at every session. A minimum of two staff are responsible for the club each day.

The club runs daily Monday to Friday starting at 3.15pm until 5.15pm providing your children with seamless childcare. We are also open on every Inservice day as well as various sessions throughout the school holidays.

Snacks are provided and our policy is to offer a number of healthy options and a variety of seasonal foods to appeal to all children.


Contact - or 07923 318935


For further information on our Best of Buddies After School Club see the information below -

Best of Buddies Welcome 1

Best of Buddies Welcome 2

Best of Buddies Registration Form