Our World - RE topic - Week beginning 12th July
In this RE unit - which is created by Cafod - we teach the children about the wonders of God's world. We find out about how different communities live and how children from all over the world have very different experiences.
Children will be able to talk about their own experiences of the world and what they love about our world.
Children will be able to wonder about what makes people friends.
Children will be able to say what fills them with wonder about the world.
The key words in this unit are:
World love
wonder share
wonderful work / play
care together
Session 1: Have a look at the CAFOD Global slide show below. Look at the slides and talk about the pictures.
Can you draw a picture of children working together - maybe you are working with a friend. What are you doing to support each other?
(We did this in class on Tuesday - you may want another look - they are wonderful pictures)
Session 2: Wednesday's session for those who have been in school.
Today we are going to have a look at the Creation story. Watch the link below - it is a lovely retelling.
Task: Once you have listened to the story. Can you create a picture / wall frieze of the land and sea animals. If you split your paper in half you could use the top half of the paper for the land and sky animals and the lower half for the sea animals.
Session 3: Thursday's session - Zoom session
Imagine if you turned on the tap and no water came out?
Have a look at the pictures below of the little girl Azmera. She is from A village in Northern Ethiopia – Have a look at the picture of the map to find out where Ethiopia is and where her village may be.
In the last session we found out about the creation story and at the end of the story God asked us to take care of the world.
God gave us lots of precious things when he made the world – This week we are going to look at some of them – today we are going to start with water. Have another look at the picture of Azmera. What is she doing? Establish that she is collecting water – she is being very careful – water is very precious. Show picture of little boy and how he collects water. Show Picture of Bernadette drinking the water. The water has to be collected and clean.
(collection of photos in the tab below)
Task - Can you write / draw about Azmera. What can you show in your work what you have learnt about Azmera and her life in Ethiopia.
Here are some questions for you to think about that may help you to organise your thoughts.
Some key questions
What is Azmera doing?
How is Azmera taking care of the world?
How do we take care of the world?
What does it mean to praise God?
How can we work together to praise God’s wonderful world?
(Azmera, 4 years old, in Biera village, North Ethiopia)