Today's writing challenge is called 'Welcome Home:
You will find the Google Classrooms document on GC. I look forward to the brilliant description you will be writing about this lovely scene!
Today's Comprehension is all about Christmas Trees. Remember to choose your level of challenge (1, 2 or 3 stars).
Remember it is the last week for getting to your Reading Target! Here is the link to Accelerated Reader. Even if you have got your reading target, remember you can quiz on other books whilst you're at home.
Today's Maths is a Christmas Codebreaking Challenge featuring the chance to crack the codes using your Maths skills- make sure you look at the challenge that will best suit you!
Christmas Dinner Challenge:
The challenge today is to create a Google Slides document (a bit like PowerPoint but on Google Classroom) all about your dream Christmas Meal, you can include pictures, descriptions, reviews etc. But I want to know what about Christmas Dinner makes you drool!