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- Reception Class 2024-25: Welcome
- Reception 2021 - 2022 Spring term 1
- Learning at Home -
- Week beginning 10th January
- Friday 14th January
Friday 14th January
Good Morning
Welcome to today's learning.
Start with some daily stretches - you may have some you like to do or you could do the ones from yesterday's PE task.
Tall Stretch - Raise arms and hands high above the head; reach up onto the tip toes; stretch the body as high as possible.
Wide Stretch - stand in a star shape; reach arms straight out at the side of the body; spread feet so they are just over shoulder width apart; stretch as wide as possible - imagine someone is pulling each of your hands.
Small Stretch - crouch down into a small tuck shape; balance on feet; hold legs tight into chest.
Repeat each stretch 2 or 3 times.
We are learning our set 1 sounds in class and having a go at blending the words. Today we have the sound 'ch'... it is another one of 'two letters one sound - special friends!'
I have added the collection of Green words below for you to work through. You could do 2 or 3 a day...
There are some tasks below for you to try.
If you are working hard to learn you sounds check out the sounds' sheet below. Can you ink of some words beginning with today's sound? Can you draw some pictures of those words? Can you spot them in books? Can you practise writing the letter?
If you are remembering the sounds and starting to make words by blending the sounds together check out the 'ditty' story below. Can you read the words and talk about the short story? If you become familiar with it can you read it without sounding any words out?
Here is the link for Today's maths.
Here is the challenge for today...